April at the Wendell Free Library
I See You: Stories From Wetlands and Woods, a program with Dale Monette
Friday April 5, 6:30pm
A program of the stories behind the photos of Dale Monette’s 4th book released this month. Monette juxtaposes his favorite unpublished images and the interesting stories behind them and puts them together under the title “I SEE YOU: Stories from Wetlands and Woods”. Monette delves into the camera equipment and lenses used for the images, the habitat, the time of the season and the circumstances that made getting the photograph possible.
Karie Neal Art Show Opening
Saturday April 6, 1-3 p.m.
Karie Neal, art teach at Swift River School, is holding a reception for her first full exhibit at the Wendell Free Library.
The Greenfield Recorder recently featured an article on the exhibit https://www.recorder.com/Art-teacher-has-exhibit-at-Wendell-Free-Library-54439552, and read more about the artist on her website: https://www.karienealart.com/
Dive Into Yoga With Shay Cooper
Tuesdays April 2 & 16
Please Register
Allow the magic of yoga to energize and renew your body, mind, & spirit. Registration Requested.
Donations greatly accepted, and go towards the library program fund to continue this great series.
Tech Support Tuesday
Tuesday April 9 at 4:30 & 5
Free one-on-one sessions with techie pros by appointment. Contact the library for a slot.
Office Hours with Rep. Saunders
Friday April 12, 1-2 p.m.
The second Friday of every month State Representative Aaron Saunders holds office hours in the Herrick Room of the Wendell Free Library. Please note that going forward Aaron’s Wendell Office hours will be at 1p.m. not 2.
“Hold On To What Is Good”: A Dementia Caregiver’s Story and a Memorial to an Exceptional Being”
Saturday April 13 1-2p.m:
Phyllis Brooks presenting her new book “Hold On To What Is Good”: A Dementia Caregiver’s Story and a Memorial to an Exceptional Being” Phyllis will play one or two songs that she wrote during her experience, including the title song “hold on to what is good”.
Wendell’s TED Walk
April 14-April 20
A week-long litter pick-up event in honor of Ted Lewis.
Be safe! Wear gloves, bright clothing, & leave items by telephone poles or guardrails.
Free collection bags and gloves, and some kits including visibility vests and grabbers available to borrow from the Wendell Free Library.
Collection bags can also be picked up at Diemand Farm and the Wendell Country Store.
Bring your bags to the WRATS or contact the pick-up crew to let them know where the bags and other debris can be collected.
Upcycled T-shirt yarn bracelets.
Tuesday April 16, 3-5p.m.
Registration requestion
Drop in and make a bracelet from upcycled t-shirt yarn.
Book Discussion Group
Tuesday April 23 at 10 a.m.
April Read: Lady Tan’s Circle of Women by Lisa See.
Historical novel inspired by the true story of a woman physician living in 15th century China … a captivating tale of a daring and innovative woman helping other women
Coptic Bind Journal
April 27, 2-4p.m.
Registration Required
Ages 14 and up
The second in a series of 3 workshops that bring art and poetry together with Jeannette Stockton. In this workshop, participants will be making a Coptic bound book, an ancient form of bookbinding using repurposed book covers. Coptic binds are tricky but special, this book can open completely flat and has a decorative open edge spine which highlights the knots that are part of this traditional bind.
If you’d like to join, you can even use your own book covers. Just let us know what size the cover is for paper sizing.
And be ready to concentrate! The instructions for making one usually takes up many pages in a how to book. I’ve got it down to 8 phrases so come let’s bind together and have some fun.
This program is possible due to a grant from the Wendell Cultural Council, a local agency funded by Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.”
Cookbook Book Club
Sunday April 28, 4:30 p.m.
It’s time for another Cookbook Book Club! Start checking in next week on the book club shelf for copies of “The Moosewood Restaurant Table: 250 New Recipes from the Natural Food Restaurant that Revolutionized Eating in America”. We all know the original Moosewood Cookbook, how does this updated (2017) collection of recipes compare?
Sign up by email, phone, or in person at the library!
Collage Your Own Magnetic Poetry Set
Tuesday April 30, 4-5 p.m.
activity adapted for ages 5+
Registration Required
Celebrate National Poetry Month at the library. Magnetic Poetry sets are a great way to begin the poetic process. In this program we will clip words from old magazines, adhere to magnetic sheet, and take home in a nifty tin. Younger children are welcome to create a box of picture magnets for image poems.
Wendell Free Library Recurring Programs:
Every Friday: LEGO club. 4 to 5 p.m.
Every Saturday: StoryCraft. Picture book read-aloud and connected craft. Story at 10:30 a.m., drop in until 2:30 for the craft. See March Craft Line-up below.
Every Sunday: Yoga. All levels, pay what you can. 10 a.m.
Every Tuesday: Art Group. 5 p.m.
Every Wednesday: CNC playgroup with Sylvia. 10 a.m.
Every Wednesday: Matinee Movie. 4 p.m. See March movie line-up below.
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday. Fiber/Mending Circle. 6:30 p.m.
Every Second Friday: Homeschool Hangout. 10:30a.m.
Every Second Friday: Office Hours with State Rep. Saunders. 1-2p.m.
April StoryCraft
Saturdays 10:30-2:30
April 6 & 20. Create silly robots or pencil holders from tin cans.
April 13 & 27: make a quick cork boat for floating in Spring streams, plus a Spring Collage makerspace.
April Matinee Movies
Every Wednesday at 4p.m.
4/3: Enchanted April
A holiday on the Italian Riviera in the 1920s changes the lives of four women
4/10: Harvey
Comic classic starring Jimmy Stewart (B&W) [1950/G]
4/17: Bend it Like Beckham
A young woman who loves playing football (soccer) struggles with her traditional Indian family in England [1990/PG13]
4/24: A River Runs Through It
Two brothers from Montana grow up with different lives but come together through fly-fishing [1992/PG]
Upcoming Programs , Save the Date
Sunday May 19, 2-3pm (Rain date, June 1): Monadnock Falconry Bird of Prey Demonstration at Swift River School. Funded by the Friends of the Wendell Free Library.
Saturday June 8, 2-5pm: Conical Willow Basketry Workshop with Mary Fraser. Made possible by the Wendell Cultural Council and Friends of the Wendell Free Library. Registration required.
Saturday July 13, 10-Noon. Boxville! Rain date Sat. July 20.