
Official Primary Results- September 3, 2024

Thank you to all the voters, election officials, and constables for creating another wonderful election in Wendell.   Wendell Primary Official Voting Results – Voter turnout 171 (22.5% of voters) September 3, 2024 Wendell Primary Official Voting Results 9.3.2024 Democrat (153 votes) Republican (16 votes) Libertarian (2 votes) Senator in Congress Warren 152 Blank 1 … Continued

State Primary Warrant Posted

The Massachusetts Primary Election will take place on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. The has been signed and posted on the Town website: State Primary Warrant 2024 and a hard copy is available at the Town Office, 9 Morse Village Road, Wendell.  

New Official Posting Location!

The Wendell website is now our official posting location for all meetings held by Wendell board and committees (appointed or elected). Please use the form on this site to send your information to the Town Clerk for posting. If you have any questions as to how to access the page, the contents of an agenda, … Continued

Early Voting Hours for State Primary

The Town Clerk’s office will hold Early Voting hours for the 2024 State Primary: Saturday, August 24th 9am – 2 pm – Town Clerk’s office 9 Morse Village Road Tuesday, August 27 6 pm – 8 pm – Town Clerk’s office 9 Morse Village Road Please vote!

State Primary Ballots

Please use this link to view the September 3rd ballots. Specimen Ballots Specimen ballots are also posted in the Town Offices.

Finance Committee Slides

If you missed the Annual Town Meeting or would like time to more closely review the very excellent information presented by the committee regarding taxes and budgets, you may access them here: Finance Committee Slides for Town Meeting

Five-Year Vegetation Management Plan – Eversource Energy

Dear Wendell Residents Eversource Energy intends to selectively apply herbicides along the power line right-of-way pass through Wendell. All the herbicides selected for this program are registered by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, the Massachusetts Pesticide Board, and are recommended for use in and around sensitive areas jointly by the Massachusetts Pesticide Bureau and Massachusetts … Continued

Town Election Ballot

Our Annual Town Election is May 6th. Polls are open from noon-8 pm. Specimen Ballot 2024 Please vote!

Primary Preliminary Results

Thank you to everyone who turned out to vote today and extra special thanks to the wonderful Election Workers. 286 votes were cast and counted representing 37.7% of the registered voters. Please click here to see the tallies 2024 Primary Presidential  

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