Category: Town News


FRIDAY 11/10/23 & SAT. 11/11/23 CLOSED Friday 11/24/23 CLOSED TUESDAY 12/26/23 OPEN TUESDAY 01/02/24 OPEN

Week of October 30 at the Wendell Free Library

This Week at the Wendell Free Library Tuesday Adult Art Group Every Tuesday 5-6:30 Practice watercolor painting with a group following online tutorials.  Paints available, BYO paper and brushes.  New members welcome. Wednesday CNC Playgroup with Sylvia Wednesday Nov. 1 at 10am A wonderful local playgroup from U28 Community Network for Children with a short … Continued

Week of October 22 at the Wendell Free Library

This Week at the Wendell Free Library Monday Stop by and help the Pollinator Protectors care for the gardens at the library, 9a.m. on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Note the new time for our Wednesday matinee movie series, 4:00 pm on Wednesday.  This week (October 25) film is “Cold Comfort Farm” a quirky and delightfully witty … Continued

Educational opportunity for all Town Departments, Boards and Committees

I am offering training sessions for all individuals who either submit revenue turnovers to the Treasurer, Payroll submissions to the Treasurer or Bill Schedule turnovers to the Town Accountant. I would appreciate a member of each department to attend for either a refresher or learning from scratch. I will provide updated forms with account name … Continued

The Website Committee Is Looking for new members

The new website is up and will soon be the official posting place for the town. The Website Committee is responsible for maintaining the website and is looking for new / additional members. If you are interested and have at least minimal tech skill, please consider joining this committee. Check out our page for more … Continued

Town Clerk Office Hours

Next Saturday (October 21st) the Town Clerk’s office will be open from 9-10 am and 12:30 -2 pm

Old and older town reports available!

The Town Clerk’s office has many old Annual Town Reports available for adoption. Complete your personal collection or start a new one! Read up on the handwriting skills of the students of yore. Please stop by the town clerk’s office to pick up any (or all!) copies.

Clean Sweep Bulky Waste Collection

Clean Sweep Bulky Waste Recycling DaysOctober 21, 2023 for residents of the following towns: Bernardston, Buckland, Charlemont, Colrain, Conway, Deerfield, Erving, Gill, Hawley, Heath, Leverett, Montague, New Salem, Northfield, Orange, Rowe, Shelburne, Sunderland, Warwick, Wendell, Whately Complete 2023 event price guide. MATTRESSES ARE NOT ACCEPTED AT THIS COLLECTION. See our mattress recycling page. No pre-registration necessary Terms: Cash … Continued

Wendell Board Of Health Update For September 2023

WENDELL BOARD OF HEALTH UPDATE FOR SEPTEMBER 2023 Pfizer and Moderna each have new monovalent mRNA Covid vaccines that should be available now through health centers, major pharmacies and doctors’ offices. They are recommended for all people 6 months of age and older. Check with your provider for dosage for those under 12 or if … Continued

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