Boards, Committees and Commissions
Serve on Boards & Committees
Wendell relies on volunteers who serve in elected and appointed board and committee roles. These committees shape our community, make policy, solve problems and keep Wendell the special place it is. Committees need everyone's contribution and perspective and input from all kinds of people. We hope you will benefit your town with your service.
Start by looking at the list of boards and committees, thinking of where you interests lie. You can contact the committee and come to their meeting and see how the proceedings work first hand (board and committee meetings are open to all). You can contact the Town Coordinator to learn which committees have vacancies (or future vacancies).
Some positions are appointed by the selectboard; some are elected. The Town Coordinator (for appointed positions) can forward your interest to the selectoboard; the Town Clerk can get you on the election ballot (don't worry, most elected roles are unopposed). The members of the board or committee you are contemplating serving can also help make these connections. Positions serve for fixed terms.
Boards and Committees are public bodies and must follow state Open Meeting Law, Public Records Law and Conflict of Interest Law. Ethics training (online - click here) is required.
- Online Conflict of Interest Law Tutorial - Required state ethics training.
- Open Meeting Law Guide - the Attorney General Office (PDF)
- Summary of the Conflict of Interest Law