No Assault & Batteries Community Potluck, with Doug Tanner/The Leftovers and John Sheldon
FebFebruary 17 2024
No Assault & Batteries (NAB) and the Wendell Meetinghouse present a community pot luck dinner event at the Meetinghouse. Before dinner, enjoy the Wendell Post exhibition, drinks and hors d’oeuvres with music by The Leftovers jazz trio (Doug Tanner on his incredible chromatic harmonica, Mark Ricker and Tom Randell on guitars). After dinner, we’ll have speakers (Delta Carney on lithium battery fires, Dan Leahy on “What We Have to Lose”, and Anna Gyorgy on NAB organizing efforts) and more music, including a Nature Tribute guitar solo by the incomparable John Sheldon and MC Court Dorsey leading the No Assault & Batteries campaign song. All are welcome, donations requested.