Date and time: 2024-04-08 06:30 pmLocation: Wendell Town Offices and Video ConferenceDepartment: Boards, Committees and Commissions Agenda To join remotely: Join Microsoft Teams meeting virtually using web browser by clicking here Or by typing Meeting ID: 254 265 601 588, Passcode: zBxX5b I. Roll Call/Call to Order II.. FY 2025 Budget Appropriation Request … Continued
Date and time: 2024-01-24 07:00 pmLocation: Wendell Town Offices and Video ConferenceDepartment: Boards, Committees and CommissionsDate and time: 2024-01-24 07:00 pmLocation: Wendell Town Offices and Video ConferenceDepartment: Boards, Committees and Commissions Agenda Will be published by 5pm 1/22/2024. Agenda packet Click here for meeting materials.Date and time: 2024-01-24 07:00 pmLocation: Wendell Town Offices and Video … Continued
Date and time: 2023-11-20 06:30 pmLocation: Wendell Town OfficesDepartment: Finance Committee Meeting: November 20, 2023Date and time: 2023-12-04 06:30 pmLocation: Wendell Town OfficesDepartment: Boards, Committees and Commissions