Conservation Committee – February 11, 2025
6:00 pm Video Conference
Via Zoom only at
Wendell Conservation Commission meeting
February 11, 2025 at 6 p.m.
Swallow Rise, Inc. Request for Determnation of Applicability: A Public Meeting to determine the applicability of the MA Wetlands Protection Act and the Wendell Wetlands Protection Bylaw to a proposal to cut and chip approximately 1.5 acres of fallen and broken small trees damaged in an ice storm which are considered a fire hazard. The proposed work area is between John Quist Road and a wetland to the west. Chips will be distributed on the property.
See the Agenda Packet accompanying this agenda on the Town website for the RDA.
Farley Bridge resurfacing RDA: Highway Dept. did not advertise the Public Meeting. Rescheduled to March 11th.
MINUTES: January 14, 2025 meeting minutes for amendments and/or approval. See the Agenda Packet accompanying this agenda on the Town website for the minutes draft.
Beaver Solutions (Fiske Pond) bill: Annual Flow Device Maintenance Plan and Guarantee. $415 due February 28, 2025. The bill is in the Agenda Packet on the Town website.
FY2026 Conservation Commission Budget due February 14, 2025. Fin Com’s proposed Con Com budget is in the Agenda Packet accompanying this agenda on the Town website.
Annual Report was due January 31, 2025. In progress.
Bowen’s Pond: 3rd Party consultant, Stockman Associates, LLC’s proposal was received, approved and returned to Stockman by Ward. Ward emailed a copy of the proposal to Tom Robinson who sent by registered mail to the Commission a check for $2,200 made out to Stockman Associates. Ward said to hold the check until Stockman’s review is done. Stockman’s Proposal is in the Agenda Packet accompanying this agenda on the Town website.
NEXT MEETING DATE AND TIME: Bowen’s Pond dam Public Hearing continued to March 11, 2025.