Energy Committee – February 25, 2025
6:00 pm Video Conference
Zoom Link: is the invite link.
Agenda for Wendell Energy Committee meeting
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 6pm via zoom
(A date later than usual because of school vacation)
1. Review and acceptance of January minutes (attached)
2. Review mail
3. Report and follow-up on Feb. 2 Groundhog Day meeting
4. Review of 2024 annual report (should post on website?)
5. Website development and plans
6. Possible future projects: new member(s); Earth Day activity; position on closure of Northfield Mt. Pumped Storage Project (FERC relicensing)
7. Unanticipated items
Wendell Energy Committee Minutes
Thursday, January 23rd, 2025, 6:00PM
Remote via Zoom
Members Present: Laurie DiDonato, Donald Stone, Anna Gyorgy
Members Absent: Jim Thornley
Clerk: Ashley Penna
Meeting called to order at 6:06 pm by Anna Gyorgy.
New Business:
1. Review and acceptance of December minutes
- Laurie DiDonato made a motion to approve the December 12th, 2024 minutes as amended. Seconded by Don Stone. Passed unanimously.
2. Review mail
- A payment of $55.00 was made to the Wendell Meetinghouse for the upcoming Groundhog Day event. The invoice with the Energy Committee account number, total amounts and signature is needed. During the meeting, Laurie DiDonato sent a budget list with account numbers for Gyorgy to complete the reimbursement form. In addition to the rental fee, reimbursement for refreshments will be needed for the event.
3. Wrap-up on MIT energy clinic project
- The report has not yet been received from the students in the MIT program. The Selectboard had a final meeting with them agreeing to work with them next semester and gave their feedback about the project.
4. Website development and plans
- Ashley Penna will continue to add photos of Green Communities projects and reupload the photographs of the lights project at the Town Hall to the website.
5. Review of 2024 annual report
- Anna Gyorgy will draft a summary of the annual report and distribute it to Committee members to review prior to submission.
6. Discuss and finalize plans for Feb. 2 meeting at Wendell Meetinghouse
- Flyers have been made for the event and were put up at the WRATS and the Wendell Country Store. Information about the event and the original flyer has been sent to the Wendell listserv.
- The Wendell State Forest Alliance has agreed to give an update at the event. Gyorgy has invited the No Assault & Batteries group who will inform their mailing list of the event.
- Members discuss who to invite to the event including Michael DeChiara, Sarah Butler (Woodbank), Gillian Budine, Conservation Commission, Open Space Committee, Adam Kohl and Zara Dowling.
- Members discuss the possibility of inviting someone to discuss children’s programs about climate or perhaps do a program with the library around Earth Day. It is suggested to contact Seal LaMadeleine from Deer Paths and Miriam Warner, Library Director for future programs in the spring.
- Anna Gyorgy and Don Stone will meet on Thursday, January 27th, 2025 to draft a list of the speakers and outline the event. A final flyer will be made to be included as a PDF for emailings listing the speakers of the event.
- Members would like to find potential Energy Committee members at the event to join and take on new projects.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 25th, 2025 at 6:00 pm.
Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by Don Stone and seconded by Laurie DiDonato at 7:00 PM.