Selectboard Meeting: June 5, 2024

Jun 5 2024

7:00 pm Wendell Town Offices and Video Conference

9 Morse Village Rd, Wendell 01379

I. Roll Call/Call to Order
II. Announcements
III. Public Comment
IV. Selectboard Updates and Comments
V. Selectboard Meeting and Warrant Schedule Review
VI. Town Coordinator Report
VII. Consent Agenda
a. Approve minutes of May 29, 2024
VIII. Age- and Dementia-Friendly Action Plan
7:30PM | Carolyn Hochard and Phoebe Walker
IX. Library Parking Lot Safety
8:00PM | Ruth Mazurka
X. Monitored Fire Alarm
XI. Tech1 Quote
XII. Alternate Building Inspector Title and Description
XIII. Economic Development Committee
XIV. Acceptance of Town Crier Attire Donation
XV. FY25 Appointments
XVI. MIT Letter of Engagement- Wendell Energy Storage Project
XVII. Country Store Water Hookup
XVIII. Review of Old Business
XIX. Town Offices Electrical Work
XX. Town Meeting Logistics
XXI. Items Not Anticipated
XXII. Adjournment

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