Selectboard – September 18, 2024

Sep 18 2024

7:00 pm Wendell Town Offices and Video Conference

9 Morse Village Rd, Wendell 01379

Join Zoom Meeting:

Dial +1 312 626 6799

Meeting ID: 858 9181 5875



I. Roll Call/Call to Order

II. Policy Working Session | 6:00pm-7:00pm

a. Insurance for those using Town Buildings

b. Town Hall Rental Application

c. Long term use of Town Hall


| 7:00pm

III. Announcements

IV. Public Comment

V. Selectboard Updates and Comments

VI. Selectboard Meeting and Warrant Schedule Review

VII. Project Coordinator Report

VIII. Consent Agenda

a. Approve minutes of September 4, 2024

b. Endorse letter of support for Route 2 Rail

c. Allocate 50% of CONNECT Funds to Leverett Police and 50% to Fire Department

d. Approve Regional Animal Control Services Contract with Franklin County Sheriff’s Office

IX. Appointments

a. Animal Control Services Advisory Board

b. Don Bartlett to Zoning Board of Appeals

X. Inspection

a. Interview Alternate Wiring Inspector Candidate

b. Review Building Inspection Services

XI. World War II Memorial Placement

XII. Trinity Solar Solicitation

XIII. Hazard Trees

XIV. Water at the Country Store

XV. Old Business Follow Up

XVI. Items Not Anticipated

XVII. Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body, and the chair so declares, as per M.G.L. c. 30A, ยง 21(a)(3); and to discuss the reputation, character, physical condition or mental health, rather than professional competence, of an individual, or to discuss the discipline or dismissal of, or complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual. The board will return to open session.

XVIII. Adjournment

This notice has been posted in compliance with the Open Meeting Law; additional topics not reasonably anticipated by the chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting may be added to the agenda

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