Wendell Energy Committee- August 15, 2024

Aug 15 2024

6:00 pm Video Conference


https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84877916767  is the invite link. There will be a waiting room before entrance.


Agenda for Wendell Energy Committee meeting

Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 6pm via zoom
This meeting will include items originally planned for meetings that had to be cancelled.


  1. Review and acceptance of May minutes (with ‘rollover’ check)
  2. Review mail
  3. Battery storage update, report
  4. Any update on Nexamp and pilot project to help provide battery backup to homes and municipal buildings.  (Laurie DiDonato)
  5. Updates on solar oven and infrared camera
  6. Website development update
  7. Possible future events and any other plans for 2024?
    Possibilities to consider could include: expanding scope as a Wendell Energy and Climate committee; participation in webinar with Paul Fenn and others on Municipal Aggregation possibilities; Wendell Energy and Climate tent at Sept. 21 Old Home Day
  8. unanticipated items
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Anna Wetherby
Town Clerk

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