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  Upon election, appointment, or hire and every two years thereafter, the Town Clerk is required by statute to provide all town employees and volunteers with a summary of the Conflict of Interest Law and to obtain a signed receipt from the employee/volunteer. Additionally, all employees and volunteers must complete an online ethics training within...

Meetings Meetings with agendas need to be publicly posted at least 2 business days before the meeting at the town’s official posting place. It was voted at town meeting that the town’s official posting place is the town’s website. Rather that give out logins to all committees and boards, the actual posting will be limited...

Anyone can petition to have an issue put on the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting or for a Special Town Meeting. A petition can be brought to the Town Clerk for review as long as the warrant is still open. Speak with the Town Clerk possible timelines and deadlines. The language of your petition...

Questions regarding Wendell genealogies and history may be directed to Pam Richardson at (413) 657-3621. She is glad to assist where she can.

Local ballot questions are of two types either binding or non-binding. To get non-binding public policy questions on the ballot requires a two step process. The initial petition is signed by 10 registered voters and must be presented to the Selectboard well before a 90-day deadline for the SB's action. The SB may accept the...

Anyone can vote by absentee / vote by mail ballot if you will be absent from your city or town on election day, and/or have a physical disability that prevents your voting at the polling place, and/or cannot vote at the polls due to religious beliefs. Refer to the following web site for detailed information...

Do it now. Don't wait for an election. There are many ways to register: Call the Town Clerk to have a Mail-In Voter Registration form sent to your home address, Stop in at the Town Clerk's office to register in person, or Register at the Registry of Motor Vehicles when you renew your driver's license....

What Is A Business Certificate? Commonly referred to by the name D.B.A. (doing business as), a business certificate creates a public record of the name and address of the owner(s) of a business. Consumers are entitled to this information as it may not otherwise be readily available. Who Must File A Business Certificate? Massachusetts General...

The filing fee for a Marriage License is $15.00 and includes a certified copy of the record after the marriage. Notice Of Intentions The couple must file intentions together. The marriage license is valid for 60 days. There is a three-day waiting period from the day the intentions are filed until the day the marriage...

Certified copies of Birth and Death Certificates are $5.00 each. Birth and Death Certificates are filed in the community where the birth or death occurred, and in most cases in the community the person resided in at the time of the event.

Members Ruth Mazurka, Co-Chair Melinda Godfrey, Co-Chair Tim Sheehan Jenny Caron

About Fiske Pond Conservation Area is in the southwest corner of Wendell, MA. The Area builds upon a corridor of permanently protected land around Wendell and contributes to a larger conservation area envisioned by the North Quabbin Regional Landscape Partnership. The Town purchased the property in 2005 with the help of a Mass. Division of...

Coffee Connection Medical Equipment Loans

Any projects (i.e. tree clearing, earth work, new construction, percolation tests, septic fields, roadway/driveways, etc.) that involve work within 100' of wetlands or 200' of a vernal pool or riverfront area will require filing for a permit from the Conservation Commission. In addition, building permits, septic systems, and drinking wells require sign-off from the Conservation Commission. Wetlands...

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