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Franklin County Solid Waste Management District Franklin County Hazardous Waste Collection Day Franklin County Solid Waste Management District Super Sites (for hazardous waste collection) Recycling Compact Fluorescent Bulbs

Win a bag of bags for picking up roadside litter The contest and rules Bring in a bag (10 gal min) of roadside trash. Trash must be in a clear bag so that the attendant can inspect it prior to placing it in the compactor at no charge. Attendant will place name of contestant on...

Wendell residents can purchase an Earth Machine backyard compost bin at a subsidized price of $25. The subsidized compost bin can only be purchased at the WRATS or the Solid Waste District office. The WRATS and Solid Waste District office also sell Sure Close kitchen compost pails. These are versatile collection pails for under the...

Household trash WRATS yellow bag - $2.00 each, $20.00 for a roll Pay to throw: 15 gallon - $1.00 30 gallon - $2.00 Open Top Bulky Waste Construction debris: $2.00 per cu ft Electronics Cell Phone: Free! Computer: $10 Tablet: $5 Monitor - CRT: $25 Monitor - Flat Screen: $10 Laptop: $10 Copy Machine:  $30...

The annual permit fee is $20 per household, due by January 1 each year. The WRATS accepts household trash and all kinds of Bulky items for disposal. The WRATS accepts at no charge household recyclables such as paper, cardboard, bottles, cans, aluminum products, milk cartons, etc. The WRATS supports the Wendell Free Store which is...

Home Cemetery Standard Operating Procedures Mass. General Laws (MGL) Chapter 114 sections 33, 34, 35 address the establishment of a cemetery. Home burial in Wendell is recommended for family members, relatives, persons residing on the property or close personal friends. No financial compensation shall be paid for home burial plot. LANDOWNER RESPONSIBILITIES Fulfills the Board...

Contact the Wendell Board of Health and discuss perceived problem Attend site visit with Wendell Board of Health Agent to determine if an emergency threat to health and safety exists (see-attached list). If our department makes a negative determination, you may appeal to the State Department of Public Health or the Director of the Division...

The Board of Health would like to remind all food vendors selling foods that require controlled temperatures in Wendell that you will need to obtain a Temporary Food Permit. The permits are $10 per day, and can be gotten by emailing us at We will also need a copy of your current ServSafe Certificate...

Well Construction Permitting Process Download the specifications and procedure. Testing Your Well's Drinking Water Requirements for testing water from private wells are not regulated by the state but by local boards of health. The Wendell Board of Health specifies its testing specifics for wells in Section IV of its regulations (click on the “Health” tab...

General Information The Wendell Highway department is responsible for maintenance of approximately 46 miles of roads of which about 23 miles are paved and 23 miles are gravel.  If there is an issue with the roads, please call the Highway Department at 978-544-3735. The Road Commissioners may also be contacted if you have issues, or...

Caring for your own at the time of death With the interest in Green Burials and caring for our own in this town, we would like to share these guidelines on how to make the process as stress free as possible. The Wendell Cemetery Commission is sincerely committed to assisting you in a timely and...

For the mutual protection of lot owners and the Cemetery as a whole, the following rules and regulations have been adopted by the Wendell Cemetery Commissioners, and approved by Town Meeting vote, pursuant to the Acts of 1890, Chapter 264 and M.G.L. c. 114, section 23 as the rules and regulations for all the Town...

The Wendell Free Library

The Town of Wendell is home to the following cemeteries: Cemetery at Town Center, located on the northern part of Center St, behind the Meeting House Mormon Hollow Cemetery, located on Mormon Hollow Road. Diemand Family private cemetery Osgood Cemetery, located at the north end of New Salem Road Smallpox Cemetery, located at the end...

On behalf of Wendell NET, the Wendell Municipal Light Plant (MLP) is now offering a Drop Cost Advance and Payment Plan to new customers who want to bring high-speed fiber from the road to their home (the ‘drop’) but are not able to pay the full amount of the drop cost at the time the...

Our town-owned network, Wendell NET, is up and running! Please call Whip City Fiber at 413-485-1251 or head to Whip City Fiber to bring unlimited, high-speed internet and VoIP phone service to your home. Need assistance with the initial cost to bring fiber from the road to your home (the "drop")? Email to inquire about...

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