Wendell Woodbank

Posted on August 31, 2024

The Wendell Woodbank is gearing up for delivering firewood to households in need. With a grant from the Alliance for Green Heat, we were able to buy equipment and log lengths of wood this year. And, with the generous support of the DCR, we will be processing that wood to be delivered to people in our community in need in September and October.

We are now calling for recipients of the firewood – people who don’t have the means to buy firewood themselves. If you, or someone you know, is in need of firewood, and you (or they) don’t have the means to buy wood for themselves, please fill out this GOOGLE FORM. A paper version of the Woodbank form will also be available to fill out by hand at the Wendell Free Library and Wendell Town Offices. They may be returned to either place. The wood available this year will not be seasoned or dried, so that should be done by the recipient before use – it will not be ready for use immediately.

While the DCR will be helping with the wood processing efforts this year, if anyone would like to volunteer to help stack wood at recipients houses, please respond to us at woodbank@wendellmass.us. In the future, we will have more volunteer opportunities, such as splitting wood, delivering wood (if you have a pickup truck), and stacking wood at recipients houses, so stay tuned for those opportunities when they arise. If you have questions, please email woodbank@wendellmass.us.


Sarah Butler and Maggie Houghton


Wendell Woodbank Volunteers

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